Cause Campaign Outcome

When I last posted about our Cause Campaign project, I was feeling completely blind about knowing what our final outcome would look like. Now that we’ve presented, I’m obviously in a better place (and not just because it’s over and done with). With Judy’s help, I narrowed down my three final concepts to one. I went with the idea of developing informational kits to be sent to high schools to educate and excite students about MPA Networks. This idea was birthed out of the realization that all it took to convince our entire class that we wanted to work with CPAWS (after our entire class had preemptively signed up with HUB Cycling), was the passionate CPAWS speaker who came to our class to explain MPA Networks to us. While MPA Networks are complicated, they weren’t too complicated for us to understand. And not only did we understand, but we all wanted to join in the fight to help protect Canada’s oceans. So giving informational kits to high schools gives an opportunity to explain MPA Networks to a large number of people in a setting where they are attentive. But the best part of this idea is that it could be distributed entirely digitally. PDFs and .mov files can all be sent online, and any hard copy collateral can be printed by the individual teacher or school. This puts the cost for CPAWS (which is a not-for-profit) at literally $0.

As far as the presentation went… well, presentations NEVER go how we planned, do they. But aside from a few slip-ups between notes and slide, it went pretty well. I mean, I think? I hope? I have no idea. Maybe we bombed. I’m not sure if our group has a shot at one of our concepts being chosen by CPAWS, but I guess we’ll find out soon.

My concept was entirely conceptual, so I don’t have any image to share with this post, but blog posts without visuals suck, so here’s a picture of some whales.
