Research Essay Writing Plan

Recently we were assigned a research essay, in which we are to choose an illustrator or designer who intrigues us, and discuss how they have influenced their field. I have chosen to write about Cipe Pineles.


The image explains how to pronounce her name, for anyone who is wondering. I chose her because though I knew very little about her, whenever I heard her briefly mentioned in a classmate’s Pechakucha I became instantly intrigued. A woman who was under the mentorship of M. F. Agha (Vogue and Vanity Fair are among some of the only magazines I can tolerate) is a woman who’s work I wanted to look into. Not only did she learn from a master, but she was the first woman who was asked to become a member of the male dominated New York Art Director’s Club- and she was later inducted into their hall of fame! She is also credited as being the first art director to hire fine artists to illustrate mass-market publications. She was also the first woman to independently art direct a mass-market American publication. With all of these achievements to her name, the question begs to be asked:

Which of Cipe Pineles’ “firsts” impacted graphic design the most?

Which was more important- the changes she made to the art side of graphic design, or to the feminist movement in graphic design? I hope to answer this question within my essay. Her magazine spreads and covers boast of her talent- it doesn’t surprise me that she was too good to be ignored by the professional field for long.

As far as a practical writing plan goes for this essay, it’s going to be tight. Our last couple weeks of school are also paired with some of the busiest weeks in my “outside life” (as I like to call it) that I’ve seen all year.

Wednesday, April 2: I will be receiving feed-back from Judy and my fellow peers. I have a project due for Milo the following day, and will be unable to work on my essay this night, but I hope to check out books from the library that have information on Pineles. 

Thursday, April 3: With constructive criticism I received the day prior, I can move forward with writing the rough draft of my essay this evening. Have all research done this evening.

Sunday, April 6: Ensure that the entire “shell” of the essay is worked out- each paragraph mapped out with the points to be included within. Begin rough draft of the essay

Tuesday, April 8: Work more on the rough draft of the essay- at this point I hope it will be at a stage to receive more feedback from Judy the next day in class.

Wednesday, April 9: Receive feedback on my rough draft from Judy and potentially peers.

Sunday, April 13: Begin refinement of essay.

Monday, April 14: Finish refinement of essay!