Great Ideas Magazine Ad

This project was an uphill battle for me. Last week my initial thumbnail sketches were thought by Judy to have a weak link between my quote and image. I didn’t think I agreed with her until I brought my thumbnails home and my husband shared her exact sentiments. So half-way through the project timeline, I had to scrap my idea and start over. I decided to even scrap my first quote, because I had discovered that someone else in the class was using it as well. I ended up choosing Gloria Steinam’s, “The truth will set you free. But first it will piss you off.” I thought it fit really well with our program, because we are taught to constantly see things in a new way, and doing so also gives us more freedom in our art. However at the same time, it is often a frustrating challenge to get there. With this project being a perfect example!

I knew I wanted my poster to use the elements of collage and use of black and white photography that was common in graphic design in the 1950’s-60’s.



While the above image is a perfect example of collage and stock photography, it is also one of the busiest ads that was used in the Great Ideas campaign. I wanted my poster to channel a more simple use of graphics, as is pictured below.



And so here is what I came up with.


I’m hoping this poster has a crystal clear link between text and image, but just in case it doesn’t I will detail it for you: the bird represents the truth setting you free, and the gun represents you being pissed off by it! Overall I’m fairly happy with the result. All of the feathers on the bird’s wings were regretted the instant I began cutting them out, but now that I’m done I’m glad I did it. Now the real question remains- do I currently feel pissed off, or set free?

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